Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fall TV Review: Breaking Bad

Bad Has Never Been So Good 
by Neil Perry

  Mr. White is no Mr. Molle- that’s for sure! What am I talking about? In a sad twist of fate, Walter White (actor Bryan Cranston), a high school chem teacher develops terminal lung cancer and is faced with the fact that he has no way to pay for his cancer treatment, let alone leave something behind to help his family if the inevitable happens to him.  He has to find a way to make cash flow and so he makes a hard choice.  Walter White turns to cooking crystal meth and recruits Jesse Pinkman (actor Aaron Paul), one of his old drop-out high school students to help him.  It is in the development of his meth that Mr. White discovers his true gift—his knowledge of chemistry enables him to produce some of the purest crystal meth ever seen and it is given the street name “Blue Sky.”  Walter’s product is so valuable, it attracts many of the kingpin drug lords to want his stuff.
  We are  now in the second half of the 5th season of this incredible series called Breaking Bad that will reach its conclusion in just a couple of short weeks.  When I started watching this captivating series three years ago, I couldn’t stop binge watching it.  In viewing this series from the beginning, you could never imagine the twists and turns and character development that have been in play from the onset of this action-packed series.  When you see who Mr. White becomes and pit him against his D.E.A. brother-in-law Hank Schrader (actor Dean Norris), the plot gets very tangled and deep to say the least. If you have some spare time on your hands and are looking for a suspense-drama that will keep you on the edge of your couch, this one’s for you!

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