Monday, December 1, 2014

The Work Behind Tarzan

by Eramis Momchilovich

Disney’s Tarzan has been a heartwarming part of many a high schooler’s childhood, but how many have seen the musical adaptation? Well, Platteville High School students are going to get their chance at the school performance on December 3rd thanks to all the dedicated, hardworking staff and students involved.
Assistant director Ms. Schober has been helping with musical for fifteen years and was a component in choosing this year’s show. She says that a major factor that contributed to choosing Tarzan was it is a children’s show with a contemporary feel. Some other Platteville Schools staff members that are heavily involved in the production are director Mrs. Armstrong, technical director Mr. Beaulieu, and set designers Mr. Swailes and Mr. Urness, a former PHS physics teacher. 
After the initial decision, much more brainstorming has to take place. Visualization of how the stage will be built and decorated, as well as costume details, makeup, and hair all needs to be considered. According to Ms. Schober, a lot of “hard work, sweat, and long hours” are needed to translate the ideas into reality. Many teachers and students end up spending over 10 hours at the school four days a week to work on choreography, lights and sound, memorizing lines and lyrics, and critiquing their acting. So much time spent away from home and family is a sacrifice cast, crew, and pit members have to make. 
The fact that “it (the musical) involves two things I love, drama and music” is what keeps Ms. Schober coming back each year to the hectic life of musical. “And, sharing that love with students is what it’s all about,” she adds. In the end, many participants will say that being involved with the musical is an experience of a lifetime.

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