Thursday, December 5, 2013

Console Wars

by Neil Perry

When Microsoft and Sony both announced the Xbox One and the PS4 respectively, people strongly favored the PS4 due to poor marketing decisions on Microsoft's part. They initially required the console to be always online and required the Kinect to always be plugged in. Because of this, Microsoft has had to go back on many decisions and work twice as hard as they thought that they would need to in order to stay in the game against Sony. Luckily for them, their efforts have paid off since the pre-order numbers for both consoles were incredibly similar.
When comparing, the Xbox One has a stronger launch line up than its rival, the PS4. The Xbox One has Dead Rising 3, which looks fantastic, and there’s the surprise that came out of nowhere, Killer Instinct. Dead Rising 3 scored well (8.3), but Killer Instinct also scored well (8.4), especially considering how most people thought that it would be the weakest launch game of both systems, as many thought that it shouldn't have even been made. The Xbox One's games are not perfect, though; they have their own version of Knack. They have RYSE (6.8), a game with a fantastic story and incredible graphics, but the combat system falls short. The awful combat system combined with only a six hour campaign really put a dent in its score.
Only time will tell who the winner is in this ten-year battle between Microsoft and Sony. Sony may have a small lead, but the Xbox One's better launch line up and Titan Fall releasing next year could soon turn this into a one sided battle.

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