Friday, October 19, 2018

Soccer Season Recap

The team celebrating mid-game. 

Hypatia Fitzsimons

     The boys’ soccer team has had an incredible season so far. They were undefeated 10-0 in conference. They were lead by their captains: Liam Reinicke, Everett LaBudda, and Ben Trewin. The team works very well together. Their coach, Brandon Pink, says the strength of the team is “their unity and being very coachable. They share a similar expectation and value, and are always interested in getting better.” 
     The boys did have a set back: the rain. Since there was so much, a lot of games had been postponed. “They had to play 3 games in a 24 hour period at the stadium, which was crazy.” However, this is not preventing the team from doing well, “[they] haven’t been scored on since late September.”
      Today, “they play a 12 seed team (Whitewater) which hopefully they do super well with. If they win that, they play a 4 seed team (Belleville) that they have tied with twice this season, so if they win that one as well that would be huge.” Coach Pink also said he has a lot of faith in the boys and their ability to go far. Good luck tonight boys, you have put a lot of hard work and you’ll do very well.

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